Alibaba Cloud: Introduction to Billing Management

These are the view of Alibaba Cloud’s Billing Management. You can see account overview and find how many dollars that you spend month-to-month. You can see in May 2020, this account spend $ 3.72, using VISA as preferred alternative payment method and pay for $ 0.00 for this month. On this console, you can see…

Alibaba Cloud: Simply Create Instance ECS

Let’s try the simple thing. For new player on Alibaba Cloud, i hope this tutorial gives you insight. Make sure that you have already choose the right region (e.q. Jakarta) and then “Create Instance”. There are going to be some steps which needed to be finished.1. Basic Configuration (Billing Method, Region, Instance Type, Image, Storage…

Alibaba Cloud: Managing User Access

In this article, you will learn about managing user access on Alibaba Cloud. We can manage access from Alibaba Console feature called Resource Access Management. This is how it looks like… The first thing to manage access, you need to have user. Go to Users (on left section) and click Create User. Then, fill the…

Install Pritunl on your ECS Alibaba Cloud

Pritunl is an open source tool which having server monitoring and user management. Pritunl doesn’t need high spec VPS (VM Server), support installation on various Linux operating systems. Pritunl mostly used as VPN Server. VPN Server used to provide you access to other websites safer by changing connection line through server and hide the data…